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Portale di Sant'Anna di Stazzema - domenica 26 gennaio 2025 

Sei in: »Portale di Sant'Anna di Stazzema

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The Park

The idea
The idea of the Park

The Instituting Law
The text of the Law

The “Via Crucis”
The “Via Crucis”

The Charnel-House Monument


Visits supported by expert guide
Visits supported by expert guide

The Museum


Museum's location

Museum’s opening time

Didactic activity

visits to the Historical Museum of Resistance

Art Gallery

Conference room

Virtual visit

Historical-documentary exhibition

specific bibliography of the massacre of Sant’Anna


1944, August 12th
It was a massacre...

The victims’ list
Incomplete list

Before the slaughter
Nothing let to forebode...

Order of collaborators
The local fascists were the SS’ guides

The survivors


A long silence

The closet of the shame"

The investigations

The Committee

The trial

Trial deeds

complete bibliography of the massacre of Sant'Anna

specific bibliography of the massacre of Sant'Anna

italian press review

After the slaughter
From the report of Don Giuseppe Evangelisti



Found objects
Found objects


The birth of the "Repubblica di Salo' "

The nazi military occupation

The new fascist "squadrismo"

The Resistance

The Gothic Line

The Resistance and the fight of Liberation in Versilia

The nazi-fascist slaughters in Versilia

September 8th of 1943: the armistice

The days of Liberation


The origins

How to get there
How to get to Sant’Anna di Stazzema

The economy
The village’s economy

The mining activity

The Regional Park of the Apuan Alps

The Mining Park

The area of Stazzema
The Municipality of Stazzema and its hamlets.


Young People's Forum in Sant'Anna di Stazzema

Eine orgel für Sant'Anna di Stazzema"
One organ for Sant’Anna di Stazzema

A flower to Sant'Anna

Trip to Mathausen

National Literary Prize "Martyrs of Sant'Anna di Stazzema"

Reading for Sant'Anna
Written and directed by Luca ZINGARETTI

To Resist. Memories of war, itineraries of freedom.
Piero Pelù in concert

The peace's educational Campus

Sant'Anna di Stazzema, August 12 th 1944. The children remember.
photographic exhibit by Oliviero Toscani

Fragments of memory
photos by Eugenio Gherardi Angiolini

Souls' breath
Sculpture’s exhibit of Novello Finotti

Meeting of researchs
One history to be written: the slaughter of Sant’Anna di Stazzema

The women and the Resistance
A meeting and a photographic exhibit to remember them



Links to school projects

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Portale di Sant'Anna di Stazzema