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Portale di Sant'Anna di Stazzema - domenica 26 gennaio 2025 

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[English version]



While the far away and next world too much frequently renews devastation, slaughter and destruction sets, Sant’Anna, with its meek authority coming from its own martyrdom, arouse the mankind to a definite peace’s conversion, to the dignity of the conversation, to a constant research of a possible armony. That the mankind’s heart is equal to the enormity of the mournful heritage and to the greatness of the hope.
Mario Luzi
Appeal of Peace, 18 June 1994



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As we were all small children, my mother hid us in a forest and we remained there until we heard some shots. When the shots ended, when it was all quite, it spread the voice that the nazist destroyed the village and killed all the people.
Luciano Lazzeri, survivor


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If you want to go in pilgrimage in the place were the Italian Constitution has been born, you have to go in the mountains where the partisans fell, in the jails where they were imprisoned, in the fields where they were hanged. Young people, with your mind you have to go wherever an Italian died to redeem the freedom and the dignity because there, has been born the Italian Constitution.
Piero Calamandrei



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29-30 July 2005: “To Resist”. Memories of war and trail of freedom.
7 agoust: The extraordinary experience of the women in the Resistance: one exhibition and one meeting to remember them.
12 August 2005: Celebrations of 60th Anniversary of the massacre.


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One church, one plane-tree’s small square where the children are making ring-a-ring-o’roses. Located in the hills behind Pietrasanta, in 1994 Sant’Anna is a small village that is nothing and all….”
Scalpiccii sotto i platani.
Elisabetta Salvatori



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The context
1943-1945. The war, the occupation, the deportations, the massacres, the suffering of civil population. One section to reconstruct and to remember one of more dramatic period of the Italian 900th century.

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